Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More than a foot of snow in Old Forge and Big October!

OLD FORGE, N.Y. (WKTV) - Many residents in the North Country woke up to more than a foot of snow Wednesday morning. Sure, it's typical for winter up North...but let's not forget - it's still October.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Truth Test: Arcuri's plan when he went to congress

(WKTV) - The latest commercial from Congressman Michael Arcuri discusses what it says was Arcuri’s plan when he went to Congress in 2006. NEWSChannel 2's David Dellecese breaks the commercial down.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Truth Test: Arcuri compares Hanna to Bush in policy

(WKTV) - The latest commercial from the Congressman Arcuri campaign has hit the airwaves, claiming that Arcuri's opponent - Richard Hanna - is similar in policy beliefs as George W. Bush. And once again, NEWSChannel 2's David Dellecese breaks it down.